Sasha Koltsov   Identity & Brand Design

1520 NYC Food Delivery Service 


1520 is a grocery delivery service that started operating on Manhattan at the beginning of 2021. Their main feature is a super fast delivery time — 15 to 20 minutes. The whole project was a fast one too, we had to develop an identity in a month. The main request from the client was to show the essence of the service and to communicate speed. So, my team came up with a straightforward metaphor — a heap of groceries that has wheels and drives very fast. We wanted the identity to be on the edge between serious and fun, so the key visuals are a mix of hand drawn and spot illustrations and photos. The typography has a bit exaggerated yet distinct NYC feel that looks natural in the city’s environment. The identity had a potential for storytelling, so it evolved and adapted to different assets, and later all these fruits, toothbrushes and packages found new ways to move fast: like flying, cycling, being thrown and launched.